Pregnancy-related lower back pain is a common condition experienced by many expecting mothers. If you're one of those moms-to-be, you're probably looking for ways to deal with the discomfort and find relief. At Bracken Family Chiropractic & Massage in Orange Park, FL, we have helped many women alleviate this condition, and our team is delighted to share some information about its causes and treatment options.

Most Common Causes of Prenatal Lower Back Pain

The causes of pregnancy-related lower back pain vary. Some common causes include:

• Weight Gain

Most pregnant women gain between 25 and 35 pounds during their pregnancy, often in the form of extra weight. This added weight can place extra strain on the lower back and cause pain.

• Hormonal Changes

Hormones such as relaxin are released during pregnancy to help soften ligaments and prepare the body for labor. While these hormones are beneficial to the body, they can also lead to an increased risk of injury and cause back pain.

• Postural Changes

Change in posture is natural during pregnancy as the baby grows and shifts inside the uterus. This displacement can cause an imbalance in the body, leading to lower back pain.

Treatment Options for Prenatal Lower Back Pain

Just like there are various causes for lower back pain during pregnancy, there are also multiple lower back pain treatment options to help reduce the discomfort.

• Chiropractic Care

This is one of the safest and most effective forms of treatment for prenatal lower back pain. Using gentle adjustments, a chiropractor can help realign your spine, reduce pressure on nerves, increase the range of motion in the area, and aid with relaxation.

• Exercise

Stretching and light exercises are also beneficial. Keeping your body active will help increase your strength and flexibility, which can reduce the tension in your lower back.

• Massage Therapy

Receiving regular massage therapy during pregnancy is important for keeping muscles relaxed and promoting good circulation. A chiropractor or massage therapist can also demonstrate specific stretches to help you maintain your form and reduce the pain.

Talk to Our Team at Bracken Family Chiropractic

At Bracken Family Chiropractic & Massage in Orange Park, FL, we understand the physical and emotional toll that prenatal lower back pain can have on expecting mothers. Our team is here to provide natural lower back pain treatment options to help you find relief and enjoy a comfortable pregnancy. Contact us at 904-213-9805 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.


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